Web hosting is ‘the service providing space on the Internet for websites. When you make a website and want other people to see it, you will need to publish (or upload) it with a web hosting service.’ (midphase.com).
It can be done as cheap or expensive as you lik...

Most web hosting providers give you a free domain name with any new hosting plan. If you are starting a new website, the chances are you probably already have a domain name in mind based on your business or brand name. Sadly, a domain name search...

It may seem like there is a tremendous number of web hosting services each offering multiple plans, features and prices. So with so much choice, just how do you figure out which is the best web host for you?
The easiest way to choose the best web hosting service is to start with w...

To choose the best website hosting service for your website you need to consider many options; how much do you want to spend? How much space do I need? Do I need a domain?
There are some top quality web hosts around who have been in ...

Cloud hosting was the future when it first came to fruition, but now it’s the present, it’s everywhere. It’s the backbone of Amazon and a market worth $16 billion. Cloud hosting is hosting exactly how you’d imagine, available at the click of a mouse upon an internet ...

Cloud hosting is a brilliant tool if you need space to save your website’s files. It’s extremely secure and is a lot more reliable than other hosting options, like shared hosting, whilst being a similar price. Sometimes with hosting services, it's hard to understand wh...

As cPanel hosting is extremely popular, there are a multitude of different packages to choose from when looking to make your new website using cPanel. There are hundreds of different companies, each with a few different hosting packages, which can create a...

cPanel stands for control panel, and it does exactly what it says on the tin. cPanel is one of the most popular ways to control the content and functions of your website, very commonly coupled with WordPress, and it’s very easy to see why. From just one dashboard, you can access...

Did you know that it is now easier than ever to create your own website, yourself from scratch? You don’t need any web design or programming skills or experience as it's so easy even school children are doing it! Gone are the days of needing expensive software and years of c...

If you are staring at a blank slate trying to decide how to design your website it can be helpful to sketch up a plan. It may seem counterintuitive to start your design with navigation and content then pick a template after, but it will be much easier to choose a template that works once yo...

Website hosting companies are far too common nowadays on the internet, and all of them claim to be the best value for money. Now and then you may come across a host offering free web hosting. Is there really such a thing, does it exist and if so what do you ...

Free website hosting is a mixed bag; it usually insinuates poor load times, uptime and feature set. Therefore, one way to decide if a free website hosting package is a realistic option is to look at their load times, uptime and how useful the features include...

You often see shared web hosting companies stating ‘Host Unlimited Domain for Free’ but what does this really mean and is it something I need to have included in my web hosting package? Surely you can’t have one shared hosting account for multiple websites?... Or can you?<...

Some of us may remember the days of dialup internet when most websites were covered with glittering icons or flashing buttons and looked like something closer to a first grader’s sticker covered school project than a professional website. Luckily most sites nowadays are cleaner and ea...

If you have your own website, you know how important it is to keep your website safe and secure from hackers, social engineering, domain thieves and spammers. Internet crimes are not like traditional crimes, it is much harder to catch and prosecute perpetrators and there are few laws to do ...

While there is no exact formula for creating the most effective home page for your website, there are some simple rules you can follow to make sure you are getting the best results from your audience by creating a website that converts.
Make sure your call to action is above the fold.&n...

Normally you don’t expect ‘top quality’ from something described as ‘cheap’, the phrase ‘you get what you pay for’ springs to mind. But is that true of cheap web hosting?
In our experience there are some fa...

The choice you have when picking a shared hosting service has now reached an unprecedented level, so much so that if you wanted to see every package and make a choice upon what you’ve seen, you’d need 25 hours in the day. They chan...

If you are looking to find the best web hosting service this probably isn’t the first web hosting review site you would have come across. It’s very important to choose a good web hosting provider for your website. The last thing you want is to cho...

When trying to understand the differences between shared, dedicated and VPS (Virtual Private Servers) it is helpful to picture how you’d like to house your website files.
Shared hosting is like an apartment building where the building or server has many tenants or hosting accounts...

The growing popularity of Joomla hosting has caused the costs of getting yourself a website up and running using the popular CMS (content management system) to come crashing down. What used to be a $100s/month, team-run operation is now no more than a $5/m...

Web hosting is a service which allows websites to be published to the internet making them accessible by anyone around the world via the World Wide Web. Web hosting companies buy or lease many servers in a data center which are connected to the internet, and sell partitioned space on the se...

As WordPress is the CMS (content management system) behind around a third of the world’s websites, it has proved its potential for website building and management. In terms of design and functionality, you can expect the sky to be the limit with WordPress, if you know how to use it.&n...

The growing popularity of Joomla hosting has caused the costs of getting yourself a website up and running using the popular CMS (content management system) to come crashing down. What used to be a $100s/month, team-run operation is now no more than a $5/m...

Joomla is a free and open source content management system, somewhat similar to WordPress and Drupal, which powers some of the biggest websites in the world. eBay, McDonald's and Sony all trust Joomla with their website content, along with 10 million other sites. More than half a millio...

Shared hosting is the basis of all website hosting packages. You’ll most often see it as the cheapest option of the services offered by a website hosting company. The reason it’s the cheapest is because it is as basic as host...

When most people hear WordPress they tend to associate it with blogging as WordPress started as open source blogging software. Some may think of WordPress.com which is a free blogging community and site similar to Blogger or Tumblr. The WordPress that powers...

WordPress is an open source website management and building tool. Open source means that it wasn’t just made by a specific group of developers, it can be added to by anyone who has a good idea and knows how to build it. That’s partly what’s great about WordPress, bec...